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The Top 10 Most Strange Historical Occurrences
10: 1932’s Emu War There have been a number of peculiar historical occurrences in Australia, but the “Emu War” is undoubtedly the most notable. Farmers in Western Australia were encouraged to plant wheat during the Great Depression. Sadly, this drew emus that were migrating. The big, inert birds decimated the crops and proved a persistent […]
25 Hilarious Things That Everyone Is Secretly Accused Of
Photo Credit ( Greety image ) Although you may not really see better when you turn down the sound, you may think that it does. When you’re shopping and something truly surprises you with its price, but you can’t walk out of the store just yet because you don’t want to appear to be unable […]
Odd things begin to happen at fifty years old.
Photo Credit ( Pixels ) This blog is for everyone who is 49 years old or wants to know what happens when you reach that age. I am aware of a few.I’ve done a lot of study by speaking with people who have turned fifty, which is the age at which odd things start to […]
The traveler thought it was acceptable to bring a 10-foot Burmese python in his carry-on bag.
credit by : pixels Customs officers were startled to discover a sizable albino Burmese python when they opened a passenger’s carry-on bag. Subsequently, he unseals the sack to unveil the 10-foot serpent, sound asleep inside. In a statement issued on September 28, the Customs Department for the Tashkent region stated that they had uncovered an […]
The zoo’s “barking” pandas revealed themselves to be painted dogs—not what you would have expected from them.
Photo Credit (Freepik) Visitors to a Chinese zoo demanded a refund of their money when they discovered that the pandas in an enclosure were actually painted dogs. When two of the animals at the Guangyuan site began to bark, visitors reportedly became suspicious.Two odd-looking animals with black ears, links, and dark circles around their eyes […]
Here are a few humorous news items that could only have occurred in the Great White North, ranging from a multi-million dollar maple syrup heist to a considerate thief returning a stolen automobile with a full tank of petrol.
Photo Credit (Freepik) “Heading to a ‘frosh’ party, Saskatchewan RCMP brings chips and salsa.” In 2015, Global News reported that Saskatchewan’s RCMP officers chose to warn partygoers in the most Canadian manner after they learned of an underage gathering north of Regina. A cheeky remark from the Mounties on the party’s Facebook page said, “Thanks […]
These ten 2023 headlines had us asking, “Did I read that right?”
Photo Credit (Freepik) A wild turkey in Coon Rapids is frightening its neighbors.A neighbor and a bird are fighting at a Coon Rapids mobile home park. They claim that a lone turkey showed up in their park around Thanksgiving of 2021 and hasn’t gone since. As the months pass, the bird has reportedly become more […]
“10 Laughable Historical Occurrences with Deleted Details”
Photo Credit (Freepik) History is not necessarily a serious subject, despite the fact that it is occasionally connected to dry facts and dates. Some bizarre and funny stories have survived the ages, while many historical occurrences have long since been forgotten. These ten examples show that history can be extremely humorous and vary from space […]
Awkward Former Champions Slackers
Photo Credit (Freepik) Family members have been giving Lidija Markovic 1,000 euros ($1,065) so she can get out of bed, but she hasn’t done so in more than a month and doesn’t have any plans to move. The 23-year-old beautician is competing in the Lazy Olympics on behalf of Montenegro, a country known for its […]
The 25 Funniest Historical Events
Photo Credit (Freepik) Giant Rabbit Jimmy Carter Paul Bunyan Operation